Winter Wishes
Winter Wishes Donations
Hello Geiger Community! What a wonderful opportunity we have to support our community in a meaningful way. There is a need right now here on our campus to support Geiger families through the holiday season and winter break!
How the SIGN-UP works:
Please select as many items as you wish to donate! Select individual gifts, sponsor a whole child or sponsor a whole family. We have asked families for information to purchase a new coat, book, wish list item, plus grocery money for Winter Break.
Select from items below: "Location" column lists each family code (e.g. GEIGER FAM-03)
Each child has an individual tag number (e.g. FAM-03X1, FAM-03X2, and FAM-03X3 represent three children of GEIGER FAM-03). There are three items per child.
NOTE: Some items may have additional notes, details or links listed just below in fine red print.
Suggested value of books, gifts and grocery gift cards (example-Kroger, Target): up to $25
How DELIVERY works:
Please deliver all items **UNWRAPPED with the STUDENT'S TAG NUMBER. A printout of your confirmation email enclosed with your donation is ideal.
RED BINS will be located just outside the front door of the school between
9:40am - 3pm, Wednesday Dec. 11th- Friday Dec. 13th
If you are unable to drop off items during these times, please contact to arrange delivery.
Questions and comments may be sent to